Instructions for participants

Contributed talks

The participants will be asked to prepare a poster (or a self-contained set of slides) which will be made available for the other attendees about one week before the congress. Secondly, the participants will be able to advertise their work during the congress through a short, live, three-minute talk (roughly 2-3 slides) followed by the related Q&A. These sessions will be organized by mini-symposia. A one-page abstract is requested for the contributed talks (

The following template should be used for abstract submission : IGA2021_template

IGA software session

We would like to focus one of the contributed sessions on IGA software. The idea would be to present your own advanced isogeometric software provided that it offers enough functionalities and could be made available to other researchers (with an open source, free or commercial licence). Longer time slots are expected for this session. Please do not hesitate to contribute to this original session ! To do so, you need to submit a one-page abstract and choose the IGA software session in the abstract submission form.


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